OT - pg perl DBI question - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Glyn Astill
Subject OT - pg perl DBI question
Msg-id 347294.73231.qm@web25814.mail.ukl.yahoo.com
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Re: OT - pg perl DBI question
Re: OT - pg perl DBI question
List pgsql-general
Hi chaps,

I'm trying yo run a perl script that uses DBI (Slonys
psql_replication_check.pl to be precise) and I'm getting the error:

Can't locate Pg.pm in @INC

Now I do have the file in /usr/lib/perl5/DBD/ but the script can't
see it. I'm guessing that unless I fudge it and put the absoloute
path in the script, I need to set some sort of path somewhere, but
I'm lost as to what or where.

Could someone point me in the correct direction please?

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Subject: Re: OT - pg perl DBI question