I tried to apply this patch v5 to current master branch but it complains,
"git apply --check
error: patch failed: src/include/access/xloginsert.h:43
error: src/include/access/xloginsert.h: patch does not apply"
then I checked it out before the commit
`b0a55e43299c4ea2a9a8c757f9c26352407d0ccc` and applied this v5 patch.
1) both make check and make installcheck passed.
2) and I can also see this patch v5 prevents the error happens previously,
"postgres=# SELECT pg_logical_emit_message(false, long, long) FROM
repeat(repeat(' ', 1024), 1024*1023) as l(long);
ERROR: too much WAL data"
3) without this v5 patch, the same test will cause the standby crash
like below, and the standby not be able to boot up after this crash.
"2022-07-08 12:28:16.425 PDT [2363] FATAL: invalid memory alloc request
size 2145388995
2022-07-08 12:28:16.426 PDT [2360] LOG: startup process (PID 2363)
exited with exit code 1
2022-07-08 12:28:16.426 PDT [2360] LOG: terminating any other active
server processes
2022-07-08 12:28:16.427 PDT [2360] LOG: shutting down due to startup
process failure
2022-07-08 12:28:16.428 PDT [2360] LOG: database system is shut down"
Best regards,
Software Engineer
Highgo Software Inc. (Canada)