On Mon, 31 Jan 2005 11:13:58 -0800 (PST),
operationsengineer1@yahoo.com <operationsengineer1@yahoo.com> wrote:
> -----------------------
> $cust = $_POST['cust']; // data entered
> $cust = addslashes($cust); // take care of slashes
> $db = &ADONewConnection('postgres');
> $db -> Connect($db_string,$db_owner,$db_pw,$db_name);
> $sql = "INSERT INTO customer (customer_name) VALUES
> ('$cust')"; // query to insert data - works fine.
> $id = "SELECT currval('cust_id')"; // used in an
> attempt to get last id (colum 'cust id')entered into
> db.
> $result = $db->Execute($sql); // works fine.
> $id_result = $db->execute($id); // $id_result has no
> value.
> ------------------------------
Why not first get the current value from the sequence, use it for your
INSERT statement, and then have it handy for the rest of the script?
-- Mitch