"scott.marlowe" <scott.marlowe@ihs.com> writes:
> On Mon, 8 Sep 2003, Neil Conway wrote:
>> As was pointed out in a thread a couple days ago, MIN/MAX() optimization
>> has absolutely nothing to do with MVCC. It does, however, make
>> optimizing COUNT() more difficult.
> Not exactly. While max(id) is easily optimized by query replacement,
> more complex aggregates will still have perfomance issues that would not
> be present in a row locking database. i.e. max((field1/field2)*field3) is
> still going to cost more to process, isn't it?
Er, what makes you think that would be cheap in any database?
Postgres would actually have an advantage given its support for
expressional indexes (nee functional indexes). If we had an optimizer
transform to convert MAX() into an index scan, I would expect it to be
able to match up max((field1/field2)*field3) with an index on
regards, tom lane