On Thu, June 11, 2009 17:37, Andy Colson wrote:
> That's a little vague, so how about:
> select * from somethine where (extract(year from idate) = $1) or
> (extract(year from idate) = $2 and extract(month from idate) = $3)
> or (extract(year from idate) = $4 and extract(month from idate) = $5
> and extract(day from idate) = $6)
Actually, I am thinking that perhaps this is better accomplished by
parsing the data in the application and generating a date range that
I then pass as parameters to a PG BETWEEN condition:
For example:
given 2008 then SD = 20080101000001 and ED = 20081231235959
given 200805 then SD = 20080501000001 and ED = 20080531235959
given 20080709 then SD = 20080709000001 and ED = 20080709235959
I believe that this construction should work and also make use of
the index
SELECT * WHERE effective_from BETWEEN SD and ED
Is my appreciate correct?
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James B. Byrne mailto:ByrneJB@Harte-Lyne.ca
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