> Hmmm ... why is the inner Nested Loop estimated to produce
> 30120 rows,
> when the cartesian product of its inputs would only be 285
> * 14 = 3990
> rows?
Oh my... didn't notice it!!!
> What PG version is this
That was 8.4 beta1; now tried on
select version()
"PostgreSQL 8.4.0 on sparc-sun-solaris2.10, compiled by cc: Sun C 5.9 SunOS_sparc Patch 124867-02 2007/11/27, 64-bit"
And got same thing:
, and can you extract a
> self-contained
> test case with an equally silly estimate?
mmh... I'll try to "squeeze" the data I'm using and see if it still gets that plan.
How big a test case could be? Could I post it (ftp?) somewhere? (you can email me about this in private if you want)