"Efrain J. Berdecia" <ejberdecia@yahoo.com> writes:
> After attempting to use gin and gist indexes for our queries that run against citext columns, our team has come up
withthe following to make our queries run from 2 mins to 25ms;CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgmCREATE EXTENSION btree_gin --may
notbe needed, checking
> CREATE OPERATOR CLASS gin_trgm_ops_ci_newFOR TYPE citext USING ginASOPERATOR 1 % (text, text),FUNCTION 1 btint4cmp
(int4,int4),FUNCTION 2 gin_extract_value_trgm (text, internal),FUNCTION 3 gin_extract_query_trgm (text, internal, int2,
internal,internal, internal, internal),FUNCTION 4 gin_trgm_consistent (internal,int2, text, int4, internal, internal,
internal,internal),STORAGE int4;
> ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY gin_trgm_ops_ci_new USING gin ADDOPERATOR 3 ~~ (citext, citext),OPERATOR 4 ~~* (citext,
citext);ALTEROPERATOR FAMILY gin_trgm_ops_ci_new USING gin ADDOPERATOR 7 %> (text, text),FUNCTION 6 (text,text)
gin_trgm_triconsistent(internal, int2, text, int4, internal, internal, internal);
> Our question is, does anyone see any flaw on this?
Umm ... does it actually work? I'd expect that you get case-sensitive
comparison behavior in such an index, because those support functions
are for plain text and they're not going to know that you'd like
case-insensitive behavior.
You generally can't make a new gin or gist opclass without actually
writing some C code, because the support functions embody all
the semantics of the operators.
regards, tom lane