>I'm having difficulty digging up the reference, but I think I recall
seeing >something that said, roughly, on W32 there are 2 sets of buffers
- those in >the user level library and those in the kernel level driver,
and >FlushFileBuffers drains the first, while _commit drains both (it
includes a >call to FlushFileBuffers).
You were correct: here is the source.
int __cdecl _commit ( int filedes )
{ int retval;
/* if filedes out of range, complain */ if ( ((unsigned)filedes >= (unsigned)_nhandle) ||
!(_osfile(filedes)& FOPEN) ) { errno = EBADF; return (-1); }
/* if filedes open, try to commit, else fall through to bad */ if (_osfile(filedes) & FOPEN) {
if ( !FlushFileBuffers((HANDLE)_get_osfhandle(filedes))
) { retval = GetLastError(); } else { retval = 0; /*
returnsuccess */ }
/* map the OS return code to C errno value and return
code */ if (retval == 0) { goto good; } else {
_doserrno= retval; goto bad; }
bad : errno = EBADF; retval = -1;
good : _unlock_fh(filedes); return (retval);