Works for me...
fbax=# create table sheila (item1 int, item2 int, item3 int);
fbax=# insert into sheila values (1, 2, 4);
INSERT 5971355 1
fbax=# select ((cast(item1 as float))/(cast(item2 as float) + cast (item3
as float))) as item4 from sheila;
(1 row)
Perhaps you have a row in your table where item2+item3 = 0?
At 10:26 PM 12/29/01 +0000, sheila timp wrote:
>I'm creating a new database-item by dividing two existing items. When these
>items are initially declared as float, there is no problem. On the other
>hand, when they are declared as int initially and later converted to float,
>I get the error: float8div: divide by zero error. Maybe I didn't do the
>casting right. This is what I did:
>((cast(item1 as float))/(cast(item2 as float) + cast (item3 as float))) as
>I played around with putting the brackets at different places, but every
>time got the same error message.
>Hopefully someone knows what I should do,
>Thanks Sheila
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