in your queries you have to refer to it with propercase and enclose in "
so books_bookid_seq will cause the error
"Books_BookID_seq" will be ok...
I'm also a novice... I don't know what you are doing but here is an example
of properly referring to a column called Cars in a table called Customers
like this
if you run a windows machine connecting to your pg machine, nice easy
interface is PGExplorer or PGAdmin. They show you this kind of thing to
some extent and PGExplorer helps write the syntax to some extent.
- April
At 11:53 AM 5/8/2002 +0930, Brian Schroeder wrote:
>Hi everyone.
>I am new to this list, and a real novice with databases.
>A while back I created a database using postgres 7.03 in Mandrake 7.2.
>It is a catalog for all my books.
>Although not really knowing what I was doing, I have recently upgraded
>it to 7.2 along with Mandrake 8.2. I did a dump_all from 7.03, and
>then read it all in to psql in 7.2.
>When I try to view the database, everything is there and looks OK. But
>if I try to insert a new entry I get the following error:
>ERROR: Relation "books_bookid_seq" does not exist.
>Using phpPgadmin shows:
>Field Type Length Not Null Default
>BookId Int4 4 Yes nextval('Books_BookID_seq'::text)
>What do I need to do?
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