At 11:55 AM 28-08-2001 +0200, Karel Zak wrote:
> What implement base64 PostgreSQL datetype that use externaly base64 and
>internaly same things as bytea. It prevent FE and parser problems with
>"bad" chars and internaly for data storage save less space than text
>with base64. Of course it doesn't solve a problem with encoding/decoding
>data in your application to/from base64. May be implement for this
>datetype cast to/from bytea too.
> SELECT my_bytea::base64 FROM foo;
> INSERT INTO foo (my_bytea) VALUES ('some_base64_string'::bytea);
> And you can still fetch all data directly in batea by binary cursor.
> Comments?
Sounds good to me. Even better if the base64 parser is bulletproof and
tolerant of junk. That way base64 email attachments may not even need to be
processed much - just filter a bit and shove it in :).
But shouldn't there be a ::base64 somewhere in the insert statement?