The following seems a little strange (in 7.02/Linux):
zzz=# create table t1(f1 integer);
zzz=# create temporary table t2(f1 integer, f2 integer);
zzz=# Update t1 Set f1 = (select x.junk from t2 x where x.junk2 = t1.f1);
ERROR: Unable to locate type name 't2' in catalog
zzz=# drop table t2;
zzz=# create table t2(f1 integer, f2 integer);
zzz=# Update t1 Set f1 = (select x.junk from t2 x where x.junk2 = t1.f1);
ERROR: No such attribute or function 'junk'
ie. I get different errors for a temporary table...
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