At 21:57 7/03/00 -0500, Lamar Owen wrote:
>Let the tables be named by OID, and only OID. Then, for admins' convenience,
>put in a flat file that is updated periodically, similarly to pg_pwd being a
>flat text dump of pg_shadow. Since there's going to have to be a system
>table mapping table names to OID's anyway, a flat dump of said system table
>should be similarly done as pg_pwd. Call it pg_realnames or something. Have
>it have two columns: OID, and pathname (relative to PGDATA) of table.
For the ignorant, are you able to explain why naming files
'<table_name>_<IOD>' is not acceptable? This seems to satisfy both
requirements (and seemed to be the conclusion of the previous discussion).
I presume I have missed something, and assume there is a good reason for
the '<IOD>' naming convention, so if that is the final choice, would it be
hard to have a file header containing details about the table/index/thing
the the file contains and it's OID. In this way, a future pd_dumpfile
command can tell us what our backed up file '1FA12347.dat' is supposed to
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