Here is the senario...
I have a table defined as
create table details (
field1 <type>
field2 <type>
and a function:
create function get_details(int4) returns details as '
declare ret details%ROWTYPE; site_rec record; cntct contacts%ROWTYPE;
begin select into site_rec * sites_table where id = $1 limit 1; select into cntct * from contacts where id =;
-- and then i populate rows of ret. :=; ret.ip := site_rec.ip;
. return ret;
' language 'plpgsql';
now the problem is when is when I do a: SELECT get_details(55);
all i get is a single oid-looking return value:get_details
(1 row)
How do i get at the actual information in the row?
Is this type of function even possible?
If not, is there a different manner in which i should approach this task?
Thanx in advance.-Wade