in oracle you would use these two cursors to determine who was
connected and
what they were doing.
select distinct s.sid sid, s.serial# serial, s.status status, osuser,
spid ,
count(o.sid) counter, s.username username, s.program
program, sql_address
from v$session s, v$open_cursor o, v$process p
where s.sid = o.sid(+)
and paddr = addr
group by s.sid,s.serial#, s.status , osuser, spid ,s.username,
s.program ,sql_address
order by 1,3
select distinct name
from sys.audit_actions, v$sqltext
where address = ?
and action = command_type
<bold><color><param>0000,0000,8080</param><bigger>does anyone know what
tables in postgres would give me the same or similar information?