On 05.09.23 19:26, Nazir Bilal Yavuz wrote:
> Thanks for the feedback! I updated the patch, 'needs-private-lo'
> option enables kerberos, ldap, load_balance and ssl extra tests now.
As was discussed, I don't think "needs private lo" is the only condition
for these tests. At least kerberos and ldap also need extra software
installed, and load_balance might need editing the system's hosts file.
So someone would still need to familiarize themselves with these tests
individually before setting a global option like this.
Also, if we were to create test groupings like this, I think the
implementation should be different. The way you have it, there is a
sort of central registry of all affected tests in
src/test/perl/PostgreSQL/Test/Utils.pm and a mapping of groups to tests.
I would prefer a more decentralized approach where each test decides
on its own whether to run, with pseudo-code conditionals like
if (!(PG_TEST_EXTRA contains "ldap" or PG_TEST_EXTRA contains
Anyway, at the moment, I don't see a sensible way to group these things
beyond what we have now (effectively, "ldap" is already a group, because
it affects more than one test suite). Right now, we have six possible
values, which is probably just about doable to keep track of manually.
If we get a lot more, then we need to look into this again, but maybe
then we'll also have more patterns to group things around.