Re: [PATCH] Improve amcheck to also check UNIQUE constraint in btree index. - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Mark Dilger
Subject Re: [PATCH] Improve amcheck to also check UNIQUE constraint in btree index.
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: [PATCH] Improve amcheck to also check UNIQUE constraint in btree index.  (Alexander Korotkov <>)
Responses Re: [PATCH] Improve amcheck to also check UNIQUE constraint in btree index.
List pgsql-hackers

> On May 17, 2024, at 3:11 AM, Alexander Korotkov <> wrote:
> On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 4:42 AM Alexander Korotkov <> wrote:
>> On Mon, May 13, 2024 at 12:23 AM Alexander Korotkov
>> <> wrote:
>>> On Sat, May 11, 2024 at 4:13 AM Mark Dilger
>>> <> wrote:
>>>>> On May 10, 2024, at 12:05 PM, Alexander Korotkov <> wrote:
>>>>> The only bt_target_page_check() caller is
>>>>> bt_check_level_from_leftmost(), which overrides state->target in the
>>>>> next iteration anyway.  I think the patch is just refactoring to
>>>>> eliminate the confusion pointer by Peter Geoghegan upthread.
>>>> I find your argument unconvincing.
>>>> After bt_target_page_check() returns at line 919, and before bt_check_level_from_leftmost() overrides
state->targetin the next iteration, bt_check_level_from_leftmost() conditionally fetches an item from the page
referencedby state->target.  See line 963. 
>>>> I'm left with four possibilities:
>>>> 1)  bt_target_page_check() never gets to the code that uses "rightpage" rather than "state->target" in the same
iterationwhere bt_check_level_from_leftmost() conditionally fetches an item from state->target, so the change you're
makingdoesn't matter. 
>>>> 2)  The code prior to v2-0003 was wrong, having changed state->target in an inappropriate way, causing the wrong
thingto happen at what is now line 963.  The patch fixes the bug, because state->target no longer gets overwritten
whereyou are now using "rightpage" for the value. 
>>>> 3)  The code used to work, having set up state->target correctly in the place where you are now using "rightpage",
butv2-0003 has broken that. 
>>>> 4)  It's been broken all along and your patch just changes from wrong to wrong.
>>>> If you believe (1) is true, then I'm complaining that you are relying far to much on action at a distance, and
thatyou are not documenting it.  Even with documentation of this interrelationship, I'd be unhappy with how brittle the
codeis.  I cannot easily discern that the two don't ever happen in the same iteration, and I'm not at all convinced one
wayor the other.  I tried to set up some Asserts about that, but none of the test cases actually reach the new code, so
addingAsserts doesn't help to investigate the question. 
>>>> If (2) is true, then I'm complaining that the commit message doesn't mention the fact that this is a bug fix.  Bug
fixesshould be clearly documented as such, otherwise future work might assume the commit can be reverted with only
>>>> If (3) is true, then I'm complaining that the patch is flat busted.
>>>> If (4) is true, then maybe we should revert the entire feature, or have a discussion of mitigation efforts that
>>>> Regardless of which of 1..4 you pick, I think it could all do with more regression test coverage.
>>>> For reference, I said something similar earlier today in another email to this thread:
>>>> This patch introduces a change that stores a new page into variable "rightpage" rather than overwriting
"state->target",which the old implementation most certainly did.  That means that after returning from
bt_target_page_check()into the calling function bt_check_level_from_leftmost() the value in state->target is not what
itwould have been prior to this patch.  Now, that'd be irrelevant if nobody goes on to consult that value, but just 44
linesfurther down in bt_check_level_from_leftmost() state->target is clearly used.  So the behavior at that point is
changingbetween the old and new versions of the code, and I think I'm within reason to ask if it was wrong before the
patch,wrong after the patch, or something else?  Is this a bug being introduced, being fixed, or ... ? 
>>> Thank you for your analysis.  I'm inclined to believe in 2, but not
>>> yet completely sure.  It's really pity that our tests don't cover
>>> this.  I'm investigating this area.
>> It seems that I got to the bottom of this.  Changing
>> for a cross-page unique constraint check is
>> wrong, but that happens only for leaf pages.  After that
>> is only used for setting the low key.  The low
>> key is only used for non-leaf pages.  So, that didn't lead to any
>> visible bug.  I've revised the commit message to reflect this.
>> So, the picture for the patches is the following now.
>> 0001 – optimization, but rather simple and giving huge effect
>> 0002 – refactoring
>> 0003 – fix for the bug
>> 0004 – better error reporting
> I think the thread contains enough motivation on why 0002, 0003 and
> 0004 are material for post-FF.  They are fixes and refactoring for
> new-in-v17 feature.  I'm going to push them if no objections.
> Regarding 0001, I'd like to ask Tom and Mark if they find convincing
> that given that optimization is small, simple and giving huge effect,
> it could be pushed post-FF?  Otherwise, this could wait for v18.

I won't pretend to be part of the Release Management Team.  Perhaps Tom wishes to respond.

I wrote a TAP test to check the uniqueness checker.  bt_index_check() sometimes fails to detect a corruption.  This is
trueboth before and after applying v3-0001.  The bt_index_parent_check() seems to always detect the corruption created
bythe TAP test.  Likewise, this is true both before and after applying v3-0001. 

The documentation in is ambiguous:

"bt_index_check does not verify invariants that span child/parent relationships, but will verify the presence of all
heaptuples as index tuples within the index when heapallindexed is true. When checkunique is true bt_index_check will
checkthat no more than one among duplicate entries in unique index is visible. When a routine, lightweight test for
corruptionis required in a live production environment, using bt_index_check often provides the best trade-off between
thoroughnessof verification and limiting the impact on application performance and availability." 

The second sentence, "When checkunique is true bt_index_check will check that no more than one among duplicate entries
inunique index is visible." is not strictly true, as it won't check if the violation spans a page boundary.  That's
impliedby the surrounding sentences, but I'm not sure a reader can be trusted to know which way to interpret how
"checkunique"works.  Clarification is needed. 

The attached TAP test is not intended for commit.  I am only including it here because you might want to use the TAP
testas a starting point for creating and testing for new kinds of corruption.  Beware the test intentionally includes
aninfinite loop, which is helpful for a developer examining the code, but not at all appropriate otherwise.  It loads
allblocks of the index into memory each loop, which could be made more efficient if we wanted this to be part of the
corecodebase.  I just threw it together this morning.  It's not polished, documented, checked for portability, or
otherwiseproduction quality. 

Mark Dilger
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company


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