Re: access numeric data in module - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Tom Lane
Subject Re: access numeric data in module
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: access numeric data in module  (Ed Behn <>)
Responses Re: access numeric data in module
Re: access numeric data in module
List pgsql-hackers
Ed Behn <> writes:
>> There is actually no new code. Code is simply moved from numeric.c to
>> numeric.h.

I will absolutely not hold still for that.  It would mean that any
time we want to think about messing with the contents of numerics,
we need to examine more or less the whole Postgres code base to see
what else is poking into those structures.

If we must do something like this, then a separate header
"numeric_internal.h" or something like that would reduce the blast
radius for changes.  But IMO you still haven't made an acceptable case
for deciding that these data structures aren't private to numeric.c.
What behaviors do you actually need that aren't accessible via the
existing exported functons?

            regards, tom lane

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