James Cloos <cloos@jhcloos.com> writes:
> On one of my servers, even thopugh everything is in UTC, pg insists on
> using timezone -04 by default.
> | cloos=# SELECT current_setting('TIMEZONE');
> | current_setting
> | -----------------
> | localtime
> | (1 row)
AFAIK, that is not a valid value for timezone, unless someone has stuck a
file by that name into your zoneinfo database directory (which I think is
standard practice on some distros though by no means all). If so, it
would mean whatever the file said, which would very likely not be UTC.
> But:
> | :; grep timezone /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/*
> | /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf:log_timezone = 'UTC'
> | /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf:timezone = 'UTC'
Evidently that grep has little to do with your actual configuration
source. This would likely be informative as to where "localtime"
is coming from:
select * from pg_settings where name = 'TimeZone';
regards, tom lane