"A.Bhuvaneswaran" <bhuvansql@myrealbox.com> writes:
> Since in 7.3.2 the default timestamp is without timezone, the below
> command fails:
> # CREATE TABLE history_log (history_id text, ctime timestamp default
> timeofday());
> ERROR: Column "ctime" is of type timestamp without time zone but default
> expression is of type text
> You will need to rewrite or cast the expression
This is unrelated to the change in the with/without time zone default;
it happens because we have tightened up the rules for implicit casting.
> Further, due to the above reason, while restoring, the server is crashed.
> ERROR: parser: parse error at or near "602869" at character 1
> LOG: server process (pid 31373) was terminated by signal 9
This is also unrelated. There is no scenario in which a parse error
will lead to signal 9. I would guess that you have one of the versions
of Linux in which the kernel will issue kill -9's against
randomly-selected user processes anytime it starts feeling low on
memory. Buying more RAM or increasing swap space is the best answer
regards, tom lane