Re: pgsql: Trial fix for old cross-version upgrades. - Mailing list pgsql-committers

From Tom Lane
Subject Re: pgsql: Trial fix for old cross-version upgrades.
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: pgsql: Trial fix for old cross-version upgrades.  (Sami Imseih <>)
Responses Re: pgsql: Trial fix for old cross-version upgrades.
List pgsql-committers
Sami Imseih <> writes:
> I was running "make check-world" this morning on a machine that has an
> old version of perl, 5.16, and the check-world was hung on
> /usr/bin/perl t/


> and specifically, the process hangs with this specific change.

> -       $dump =~ s ['version', '\d+'::integer,]
> -               ['version', '000000'::integer,]mg;
> +       $dump =~ s {(^\s+'version',) '\d+'::integer,$}
> +               {$1 '000000'::integer,}mg;

5.16 is still supported according to our install instructions,
so let's see if we can adjust that regex so it works with 5.16.
The first thing I'd try is

-       $dump =~ s {(^\s+'version',) '\d+'::integer,$}
+       $dump =~ s {^(\s+'version',) '\d+'::integer,$}

since I notice we mostly don't put ^ inside capture parens elsewhere.
Are you in a position to test that?

            regards, tom lane

pgsql-committers by date:

From: Sami Imseih
Subject: Re: pgsql: Trial fix for old cross-version upgrades.
From: Robert Haas
Subject: pgsql: Fix missing space in EXPLAIN ANALYZE output.