Fabio Esposito <nfesposi@sourceweave.net> writes:
> We've recently integrated postgres into an existing mature app. Its a
> time sensitive 24x7 system. It runs on HP9000, a K370 Dual Processor
> system. Postgres is version 7.3.2. Its spawned as a child from a parent
> supervisory process, and they communicate to eachother via shared memory.
You would be well advised to update to 7.3.6, though I'm not sure if any
of the post-7.3.2 fixes have anything to do with your speed problem.
> Recently it started eating up the cpu, and cannot keepup with the system
> like it used to. The interesting thing here is that it still runs great
> on an older system with less ram, one slower cpu, and an older disk.
> We tried the following with no success:
> running VACCUUM FULL
> dropping all tables and staring anew
Did you start from a fresh initdb, or just drop and recreate user
tables? I'm wondering about index bloat on the system tables ...
regards, tom lane