Qingqing Zhou <zhouqq@cs.toronto.edu> writes:
> I understand put a CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS() in the retry-loop may make more
> graceful stop, but it won't work in some cases -- notice that the io
> routines we will patch can be used before the signal mechanism is setup.
I don't think it will help much at all: too many of the operations in
question are invoked in places where CHECK_FOR_INTERRUPTS is a no-op.
* disk writes are mostly done by the bgwriter and not backends at all
* unlinks are generally done during xact commit/rollback
Qingqing's point about failures in system()-invoked commands (think
archive_command for PITR) is a mighty good one too. That puts a
serious crimp into any illusion that we can really fix this in any
reliable way.
regards, tom lane