"Hemanth" <hxkuma5@qwest.com> writes:
> I am able to install Linux ODBC driver for Postgres successfully. i am able
> to connect to the postgres using demo in the driver.
> but not able to connect to the postgres using the same username and password
> from DB LINK created b/w postgres and oracle .
> ERROR at line 1:
> ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied [DataDirect][ODBC
> PostgreSQL Wire Protocol driver][PostgreSQL]FATAL: role "AIP"
> does not exist(File miscinit.c;Line 382;Routine InitializeSessionUserId
> [DataDirect][ODBC PostgreSQL Wire Protocol driver]Socket closed.
> ORA-02063: preceding 2 lines from APPLES
Wow, there's a lot of extraneous crud in their error messages isn't
there? But I think the relevant bit is
FATAL: role "AIP" does not exist
Are you sure you created the user correctly? Note that Oracle seems to
be sending the role name in all upper case --- if you can't make it stop
doing that, you're going to have to create the user as "AIP" not "aip".
Those are different names.
regards, tom lane