Magnus Hagander said:
>>It hasn't been discussed, but it would be fairly trivial to
>>add this to the service installer. (A bit more work on the MSI
>>installer, but we could do with that one just installing the
>>default instance at least for starters).
> Correcting myself on this one - the MSI installer already supports
> instaling under any name you want. Only one, but you can pick the name
> (default being "postgresql <version>").
> Since the service code is not in th ebackend yet, you can't actually
> install this, but the interface is there and ready.
I have often seen multiple instances of a service under different names
(think of srvany from the Resources Toolkit).
I agree that the serice name should be configurable.
Will the installer have a set of options? e.g.
. install binaries
. initdb
. install/configure service?
If so, maybe you could just run it again, missing out the install binaries
step, to create another service instance.