Ron <> writes:
> On 7/1/19 2:43 PM, Adrian Klaver wrote:
>> Have you gone through the logs looking for errors/warnings about the stats
>> collector?
> Yes, but there's nothing.
One theory as to what broke is that somebody messed with your system's
packet filtering (firewall) rules, and now the kernel is discarding
statistics packets that backends are trying to send to the stats
collector. If that's the case, then when you restart the postmaster
there will be some bleats in the log about it, because the stats
collector checks for this problem at startup (but never again :-().
This theory doesn't completely explain your problem, because it
only explains why no new stats data is appearing, not why you
can't still see the stats state as it was before data transmission
The latter part might be explained if you'd done pg_stat_reset()
in hopes of clearing the problem --- except that I think the
transmission of the reset command is done over the same IP socket
that stats data goes through, so how'd it get through if that's
being blocked?
Anyway, bottom line is to pay close attention to the postmaster
log when you restart.
regards, tom lane