Hello there,
is there any problem if I use the following command: “sync; echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches” to release the cached memory on linux server.
Because I have a problem with cached memory on the linux Server beacaue there are increasing in cached memory till swap. Therefore I’m looking for workaround job works daily night to release the cached memory.
But if I used it will be there a lost in information. I used the sync before drop the caches.
Any help will be gratefull
Muthana AL-Temimi
M.Sc. Informations- und Kommunikations-Systeme
Technische Universitaet Hamburg Harburg
Am Schwarzenberg-Campus 3
D-21073 Hamburg
Tel.: +49.40.42878.2338
Fax.: +49.40.42793.5160
E-Mail: m.al@tu-harburg.de