Richard Guo <> writes:
> I came across an Assert failure while running sqlancer. The repro query
> is
> CREATE TEMP TABLE t0 (c0 int4range CHECK ((('')||(0.005014271491241007) NOT
> IN (upper(''), ((' 9O')||FALSE))) BETWEEN SYMMETRIC
> (initcap('dj')LIKE(((('EizW~')||t0.c0) COLLATE "en_AG.utf8"))) AND
> ((((0.18773675)::MONEY) IN (0.52246463::MONEY))AND(t0.c0 BETWEEN SYMMETRIC
> ((t0.c0+t0.c0)) AND t0.c0)))) USING heap ON COMMIT DROP;
Hmm. AFAICT, the critical thing about this CHECK condition is simply
that it's bulky enough to create an out-of-line toasted "conbin" field
in pg_constraint. When we come to ON COMMIT DROP, we have to delete
the pg_constraint entry and thereby the toast item, and we evidently
lack a snapshot at that point.
> And 'git bisect' says that the first bad commit is 2489d76c, which makes
> me confused because the problemed query does not seem to involve
> nullingrels stuff.
Probably the reason is that addition of nullingrels fields to the Vars
pushed it over the edge of needing to be out-of-line. The test case
is very close to the line as stated --- for example, I found that it
didn't crash if I changed "en_AG.utf8" to "C", and wasted some time
pursuing the idea that the collation had something to do with it.
The crash got much more stable after adding a couple more dummy clauses
to the CHECK condition, and I've also reproduced it with clauses as
straightforward as "c0 < 'very-long-constant'".
regards, tom lane