Re: plpgsql Difference in behaviour between versions? - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Chris McDonald
Subject Re: plpgsql Difference in behaviour between versions?
Msg-id 22746836.113.1322077384742.JavaMail.geo-discussion-forums@yqdk17
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In response to plpgsql Difference in behaviour between versions?  (Chris McDonald <>)
Responses Re: plpgsql Difference in behaviour between versions?
Re: plpgsql Difference in behaviour between versions?
List pgsql-general
OK, I see it is the term open which fails the syntax checker - I guessed this might be because open is a reserved word
but does not indicate whether open is either
reservedor not in postgresql. 

Checking 8.4 doco, has the same detail when it
comesto 'reservedness' of the term open. 

Still interested in a definitive answer, but the fix for me appears to be simply to change the word open to something

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