Hi Rob,
I'm using postgres account (which is a superuser in the database) to create table. Table creation is working fine in
otherdatabases except in this. As postgres user, I granted CREATE, USAGE & ALL privileges to postgres account, still it
Please find the snapshots below where it works fine and also where it doesn't work fine. And let me know what rights
postgresaccount is missing to create tables in "cms" database.
camd=# \c camd postgres
You are now connected to database "camd" as user "postgres".
camd=# create table test(id character varying(80));
camd=# \c cms postgres
You are now connected to database "cms" as user "postgres".
cms=# create table test(id character varying(80));
ERROR: could not create relation "test": Permission denied
-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Sargent [mailto:robjsargent@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 04, 2009 3:33 AM
To: Venkateswara Rao Bondada
Cc: pgsql-sql@postgresql.org
Subject: Re: [SQL] Create table command fails with permission denied
Looks to me as though you are not the owner of the schema nor superuser
nor in a role with permission to create tables in said schema. See the
DBA if it's not you. If it is sign on as postgres (superuser) and grant
yourself some access rights.
Venkateswara Rao Bondada wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm new to PostgreSQL, and currently facing an issue with PostgreSQL
> 7.4 database. I'm getting the following error when tried to create a
> table. Please let me know the steps (with queries) that I should take
> care to resolve this issue.
> cms=# create table test(id character varying(80));
> ERROR: could not create relation "test": Permission denied
> Thanks in advance,
> Venkat