On 6/20/05, Oliver Jowett <oliver@opencloud.com> wrote:
> As I understand it, JDBC's BIT/BOOLEAN types (single boolean value)
> aren't the same as PostgreSQL's BIT type (bit string). The JDBC driver
> maps setBoolean(), setObject(...,Types.BIT), and
> setObject(...,Types.BOOLEAN) to the 'boolean' datatype.
> Try using the boolean type in your schema, assuming what you want to
> store is a single boolean value. If you really want a bitstring, you'll
> probably need to do something nasty like pass the value via setString()
> and use 'pg_catalog.bit(?)' in your query to do the type conversion
> (CAST AS doesn't seem to work from brief testing)
Ah, yes, didn't notice that. Yep, I wanted to store a boolean value,
so I'll use postgresql's boolean type instead.
Thanks for pointing this out to me,