Re: question regarding regular expressions - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Tino Wildenhain
Subject Re: question regarding regular expressions
Msg-id 22273157.1032219282@liza
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: question regarding regular expressions  (Cindy <>)
Responses Re: question regarding regular expressions
List pgsql-general
Hi Cindy,

--On Montag, 16. September 2002 14:25 -0700 Cindy <> wrote:

> Tom Lane writes:
>  >Cindy <> writes:
>  >> If I've got something like "...AND citation ~ 'x[0-9]*'..." in my
>  >> query, is there any way to extract the portion that matched?
>  >
>  >Not in SQL --- but you could easily write a plperl or pltcl function
>  >to do that.
> OK, I'm looking over the documentation for this.  One question,
> which doesn't seem to be addressed in the documentation
> (
> I'm looking at, it says that you must issue a
> createlang plperl <dbname>
> in order to make use of this in a particular database.  Does this
> need to be done prior to populating the database, or can it be done
> any time subsequent?

This can be done any time. And you dont have to stuck with perl,
even python (plpython) is a choice :)


pgsql-general by date:

From: Cindy
Subject: Re: question regarding regular expressions
From: "scott.marlowe"
Subject: Re: A question on performance