=?UTF-8?B?Q2loYXQgS8O8w6fDvGtiYcSfcsSxYcOnxLFr?= <cihat.kucukbagriacik@profelis.com.tr> writes:
> I have also observed that the *passwordcheck.so* file exists in the
> *"/usr/lib/postgresql/17/lib/"* directory. It seems that, for some reason,
> when the PostgreSQL service starts, it is unable to read the
> *passwordcheck.so* file and create the *passwordcheck.control* file in the
> *"/usr/share/postgresql/17/extension/"* directory.
No, you misunderstand the process. The .control file is one of the
distributed files for an extension; the server has no ability to
create one.
What we both missed is that *passwordcheck is not an extension*.
It has no SQL-visible objects. It's just a shared library that
you must preload into the server, as per its documentation.
regards, tom lane