> On 2021.03.27. 02:12 Nikita Glukhov <n.gluhov@postgrespro.ru> wrote:
> Attached 47th version of the patches.
> I have added forgotten files and fixed the first patch.
> [0001-SQL-JSON-functions-v47.patch]
> [0002-JSON_TABLE-v47.patch]
> [0003-JSON_TABLE-PLAN-DEFAULT-clause-v47.patch]
> [0004-JSON_TABLE-PLAN-clause-v47.patch]
Apply, build all fine. It also works quite well, and according to specification, as far as I can tell.
But today I ran into:
ERROR: function ExecEvalJson not in llvmjit_types.c
I think that it is caused by:
set enable_bitmapscan = off;
(I installed llvm a few days ago. llvm-3.9-dev on this debian stretch).
This is the test sql I concocted, which runs fine with enable_bitmapscan on (the default):
select jt1.*
from myjsonfile100k as t(js, id)
, json_table(
, '$' columns (
"lastname" text path '$. "lastname" '
, "firstname" text path '$. "firstname" '
, "date" text path '$. "date" '
, "city" text path '$. "city" '
, "country" text path '$. "country" '
, "name 0(1)" text path '$. "array"[0] '
, "name 4(5)" text path '$. "array"[4] '
, "names" text[] path '$. "array" '
, "randfloat" float path '$. "random float" '
) as jt1
where js @> ('[ { "city": "Santiago de Cuba" } ]')
and js[0]->>'firstname' = 'Gilda'
ERROR: function ExecEvalJson not in llvmjit_types.c
That statement only errors out if the table is large enough. I have no time now to make a sample table but if no-one
understandsthe problem off-hand, I'll try to construct such a table later this week (the one I'm using is large, 1.5
Erik Rijkers