[GENERAL] Question about memory usage of pg_dump - Mailing list pgsql-general

From Condor
Subject [GENERAL] Question about memory usage of pg_dump
Msg-id 20919b2d4c86b6010212817188c92b58@stz-bg.com
Whole thread Raw
List pgsql-general

I have a question .. okay I know it's a dump but need to ask it because 
probably I will need to tell of five of my collective bad things... :)

My version is PostgreSQL 9.6.5 on x86_64-slackware-linux-gnu, compiled 
by x86_64-slackware-linux-gcc (GCC) 7.2.0, 64-bit on server IP 
(the ip of the server is connected with question)
I do a simple backup for few small tables (9M rows each) with bash shell 

for table in table1 table2 table3
do    pg_dump -U postgres --no-tablespaces --no-owner -a -b -t $table 
my_db -h | psql -U data -h my_local_db

and I see after done of each table how many rows is copied. All of them, 
but my collective trying to convince me,
they use this way to backup few tables on other project and because 
these tables contain much data (20 - 30M rows as they explain)
pg_dump took too much memory and process was fail because out of memory, 
so they rewrite every things on php.

I think that is a bullshit, they probably smoke something because I 
think with php they add one more level over the whole process because 
they do:

system command to dump the table like mine in shell and send data to 
backup server
read the output
explode output to array
reach end of array with foreach that contain how many rows are copied.

but with my shell script I do only first line:
system command to dump the table like mine in shell and send data to 
backup server

After a short introduction my question is:

How much memory take pg_dump and from witch sever ? and / or Lets say our data is 100 MB.
I know the dump process lock the table on the server when is read and 
this take memory on server, after that : here I need explanation what is 
happened with few words like: server take 100MB into memory 
then start send rows to server that hold them all 100MB or 
start resend data that receive immediately after receive it to  

Thanks and sorry of dumb question, but I really need to know what is 
happened on this process to can I tell them: My solution is okay and 
work like a charm.

Hristo S.

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From: Christophe Pettus
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] startup process stuck in recovery
From: Tom Lane
Subject: Re: [GENERAL] startup process stuck in recovery