Prasanth Reddy <> writes:
> I am currently running 9.1.9 and trying to upgrade to 9.4. I have done a dump and restore, when I start my java
applicationI am getting the below error. The server uses SQL_ASCII encoding and the
> client encoding is UTF8. There are some invalid characters in the database but this has not caused a problem in the
currentversion or 9.3 (tried a restore in 9.3 and the application works fine).
> ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x92
> STATEMENT: SELECT * FROM client_data WHERE status_code = 0 ORDER BY client_name, description
You need to fix the encoding errors in your data. 9.4 is intentionally
less lax about that than prior versions.
Or, if you really want the database to be totally encoding-ignorant,
use SQL_ASCII as both client and server encoding. But if you have the
client declared to use UTF8, the server will try not to send anything
that isn't valid UTF8.
I believe the specific change that's biting you is
Author: Tom Lane <>
Branch: master Release: REL9_4_BR [49c817eab] 2014-02-23 15:22:50 -0500
Plug some more holes in encoding conversion.
Various places assume that pg_do_encoding_conversion() and
pg_server_to_any() will ensure encoding validity of their results;
but they failed to do so in the case that the source encoding is SQL_ASCII
while the destination is not. We cannot perform any actual "conversion"
in that scenario, but we should still validate the string according to the
destination encoding. Per bug #9210 from Digoal Zhou.
but there were some others of the same ilk in 9.4.
regards, tom lane