Re: Documentation website reading widths - Mailing list pgsql-www

From Álvaro Herrera
Subject Re: Documentation website reading widths
Msg-id 202502030751.uquh76vha5d7@alvherre.pgsql
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List pgsql-www
On 2025-Feb-02, Noob Trall wrote:

> Hello. As per old Wikipedia’s design, it is hard to read text from a
> wide screen since it spans like so without any limitations:
> I understand it may be so because of the widths of SQL queries.
> I propose to add a switcher alongside the «Dark mode» one to select
> reading width, and change «max-width» property of paragraphs inside so
> that it would be easier to read.

What examples of websites can you list that work this way?

Álvaro Herrera         PostgreSQL Developer  —

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