Michael said:
> New APIs are materials for HEAD, so recompilation needs to happen
> anyway. Using a macro makes things slightly simpler and it would not
> break unnecessarily the compilation of existing extensions.
David said:
> I didn't review the patch in detail, but I think "initsize" would be a
> better parameter name than "size".
Ok, will change to "initsize".
With opinions from Michael and David , what about following additional APIs?
#define STRINGINFO_DEFAULT_SIZE 1024 /* default initial allocation size */
#define STRINGINFO_SMALL_SIZE 64 /* small initial allocation size */
#define makeStringInfo makeStringInfoExtended(STRINGINFO_DEFAULT_SIZE)
#define initStringInfo(str) initStringInfoExtended(str, STRINGINFO_DEFAULT_SIZE)
extern StringInfo makeStringInfoExtended(int initsize);
extern void initStringInfoExtended(StringInfo str, int initsize);
Best reagards,
Tatsuo Ishii
English: http://www.sraoss.co.jp/index_en/