I gave this a quick look. I think the usefulness aspect is already
established in general terms; the bit I'm not so sure about is whether
we want it enabled by default. For many cases it'd just be noise.
Perhaps we want it hidden behind something like "EXPLAIN (MEMORY)" or
such, particularly since things like "allocated" (which, per David,
seems to be the really useful metric) seems too much a PG-developer
value rather than an end-user value.
If EXPLAIN (MEMORY) is added, then probably auto_explain needs a
corresponding flag, and doc updates.
Some code looks to be in weird places. Why is calc_mem_usage, which
operates on MemoryContextCounters, in explain.c instead of mcxt.c?
why is MemUsage in explain.h instead of memnodes.h? I moved both. I
also renamed them, to MemoryContextSizeDifference() and MemoryUsage
respectively; fixup patch attached.
I see no reason for this to be three separate patches anymore.
The EXPLAIN docs (explain.sgml) need an update to mention the new flag
and the new output, too.
Álvaro Herrera Breisgau, Deutschland — https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/