In SlruSharedData, a new comment is added that starts:
"Instead of global counter we maintain a bank-wise lru counter because ..."
You don't need to explain what we don't do. Just explain what we do do.
So remove the words "Instead of a global counter" from there, because
they offer no wisdom. Same with the phrase "so there is no point to ...".
I think "The oldest page is therefore" should say "The oldest page *in
the bank* is therefore", for extra clarity.
I wonder what's the deal with false sharing in the new
bank_cur_lru_count array. Maybe instead of using LWLockPadded for
bank_locks, we should have a new struct, with both the LWLock and the
LRU counter; then pad *that* to the cacheline size. This way, both the
lwlock and the counter come to the CPU running this code together.
Looking at SlruRecentlyUsed, which was a macro and is now a function.
The comment about "multiple evaluation of arguments" no longer applies,
so it needs to be removed; and it shouldn't talk about itself being a
Using "Size" as type for bank_mask looks odd. For a bitmask, maybe it's
be more appropriate to use bits64 if we do need a 64-bit mask (we don't
have bits64, but it's easy to add a typedef). I bet we don't really
need a 64 bit mask, and a 32-bit or even a 16-bit is sufficient, given
the other limitations on number of buffers.
I think SimpleLruReadPage should have this assert at start:
+ Assert(LWLockHeldByMe(SimpleLruGetSLRUBankLock(ctl, pageno)));
Do we really need one separate lwlock tranche for each SLRU?
Álvaro Herrera Breisgau, Deutschland —
"Cuando mañana llegue pelearemos segun lo que mañana exija" (Mowgli)