On 2023-Nov-08, Peter Eisentraut wrote:
> I think the earlier idea of just counting roles, tablespaces, etc. before
> and after would be sufficient.
Maybe record global objects in a permanent table in test_setup.sql
create table global_objs as
select 'role', rolname from pg_roles
union all
select 'tablespace', spcname from pg_tablespace;
and at the end (maybe in test tablespace, though it's unrelated but it's
what runs last and drops regress_tablespace), have
(select 'role', rolname from pg_roles
union all
select 'tablespace', spcname from pg_tablespace)
select * from global_objs;
and check the expected as empty.
Álvaro Herrera 48°01'N 7°57'E — https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
"La verdad no siempre es bonita, pero el hambre de ella sí"