On 2022-Dec-23, Karina Litskevich wrote:
> Is there any special reason to read WAL records until the last inserted
> record?
Hmm, no, there's no good reason to do it that way.
> It seems that in some rare situations on slower machines this test can fail.
> If any background process inserts a WAL record before lsn('insert')
> and this record isn't flushed before
> pg_get_wal_records_info('$start_lsn', '$end_lsn'),
> pg_get_wal_records_info('$start_lsn', '$end_lsn') ends with ERROR
> "cannot accept future end LSN" as it works only if record with end LSN
> is inserted.
Hmm. I've never seen that, but it sounds plausible.
> I attached two patches with two ways of fixing this minor issue.
> -my $end_lsn = $whiskey->lsn('insert');
> +my $end_lsn = $whiskey->lsn('flush');
Thank you, I used this one.
Álvaro Herrera PostgreSQL Developer — https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/