On 2022-09-01 18:16:14 -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Jeffrey Walton <noloader@gmail.com> writes:
> > We are having a heck of a time getting PostreSQL utilities to honor
> > home directories. For example, when I execute this script:
> > sudo -H -u postgres PGPASSWORD=${password} \
> > psql -h "${hostname}" -U "${username}" -d "${database}" \
> > --command="..."
> > It produces failures:
> > could not change directory to "/home/jwalton/godojo": Permission denied
> You've left out quite a lot of information here ... like what
> connection that directory has to do with anything. Is it your
> current directory when you invoke this command?
Probably. See below.
> If so, a plausible explanation is that psql is trying to chase a
> symlink to somewhere, which involves some chdir's so it can resolve
> the symlink correctly, and afterwards it has to change back to
> where it started --- which would fail if it can't look up that
> directory.
> Why it's trying to resolve a symlink isn't apparent though.
> Is the "psql" you're invoking a symlink to somewhere?
It is on Debian/Ubuntu:
% ls -l =psql
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 37 Aug 11 11:25 /bin/psql -> ../share/postgresql-common/pg_wrapper*
(this is the pgdg package)
I do get the same message, but psql seems to start normally:
% sudo -u postgres -H psql
could not change directory to "/home/hjp/tmp/t": Permission denied
Null display is "(∅)".
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Unicode border line style is "double".
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psql (13.8 (Ubuntu 13.8-1.pgdg20.04+1), server 11.17 (Ubuntu 11.17-1.pgdg20.04+1))
Type "help" for help.
However, when I start a shell, I see that the directory has been
postgres=# \!
However, the symlink doesn't seem to be the culprit. If I run
% sudo -u postgres -H /usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin/psql
(which is not a symlink)
I get the same behaviour. So it seems that psql changes to its basedir
and then can't change back again.
And sure enough, strace shows:
chdir("/usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin") = 0
chdir("/home/hjp/tmp/t") = 0
chdir("/usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin") = 0
chdir("/home/hjp/tmp/t") = 0
(this is without sudo, because I can't strace that)
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