On 2022-06-23 18:51:45 -0700, Andres Freund wrote:
> > Waiting for beta3 would a better move at this stage. Is somebody confident
> > enough in the patches proposed?
> 0001 is the one that needs to most careful analysis, I think. 0002 I'd be fine
> with pushing after reviewing it again. For 0003 David's approach might be
> better or worse, it doesn't matter much I think. 0004 is ok I think, perhaps
> with the exception of quibbling over some naming decisions?
I don't quite feel comfortable with 0001, without review by others. So my
current plan is to drop it and use get_timeout_active() "manually". We can
improve this in HEAD to remove the redundancy.
I've pushed what was 0004, will push what was 0002 with the above change in a
short while unless somebody protests PDQ. Then will look at David's edition of
my 0003.
Andres Freund