On 2022-03-29 12:17:27 -0700, Andres Freund wrote:
> Separate from the minutia in [1] I'd like to discuss a few questions of more
> general interest. I'll post another question or two later.
4) What to do with the stats_temp_directory GUC / PG_STAT_TMP_DIR define /
pg_stats_temp directory?
With shared memory stats patch, the stats system itself doesn't need it
anymore. But pg_stat_statements also uses PG_STAT_TMP_DIR to store
pgss_query_texts.stat. That file can be fairly hot, so there's benefit in
having something like stats_temp_directory.
I'm inclined to just leave the guc / define / directory around, with a
note saying that it's just used by extensions?
Andres Freund