On 2021-Dec-27, Joel Jacobson wrote:
> >On Mon, Dec 27, 2021, at 15:48, Isaac Morland wrote:
> >I thought the proposal was to give the FK constraint name.
> >However, if the idea now is to allow leaving that out also if there
> >is only one FK, then that's also OK as long as people understand it can break in the same way NATURAL JOIN can break
> >when columns are added later. For that matter, a join mentioning column names can break if the columns are changed.
> >breakage where the query no longer compiles are better than ones where it suddenly means something very different so
> >overall I wouldn't worry about this too much.
> Yes, my proposal was indeed to give the FK constraint name.
> I just commented on Corey's different proposal that instead specified FK columns.
By way of precedent we have the ON CONFLICT clause, for which you can
specify a constraint name or a list of columns.
Álvaro Herrera 39°49'30"S 73°17'W — https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
"Los trabajadores menos efectivos son sistematicamente llevados al lugar
donde pueden hacer el menor daño posible: gerencia." (El principio Dilbert)