Re: Key management with tests - Mailing list pgsql-hackers

From Stephen Frost
Subject Re: Key management with tests
Whole thread Raw
In response to Re: Key management with tests  (Bruce Momjian <>)
Responses Re: Key management with tests
List pgsql-hackers

* Bruce Momjian ( wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 29, 2021 at 05:40:37PM -0500, Stephen Frost wrote:
> > I hope it's pretty clear that I'm also very much in support of both this
> > effort with the KMS and of TDE in general- TDE is specifically,
> Yes, thanks.  I know we have privately talked about this recently, but
> it is nice to have it in public like this.

Certainly happy to lend my support and to spend some time working on
this to move it forward.

> > repeatedly, called out as a capability whose lack is blocking PG from
> > being able to be used for certain use-cases that it would otherwise be
> > well suited for, and that's really unfortunate.
> So, below, I am going to copy two doc paragraphs from the patch:
>   The purpose of cluster file encryption is to prevent users with read
>   access to the directories used to store database files and write-ahead
>   log files from being able to access the data stored in those files.
>   For example, when using cluster file encryption, users who have read
>   access to the cluster directories for backup purposes will not be able
>   to decrypt the data stored in these files.  It also protects against
>   decrypted data access after media theft.

That's one valid use-case and it particularly makes sense to consider,
now that we support group read-access to the data cluster.  The last
line seems a bit unclear- I would update it to say:

Cluster file encryption also provides data-at-rest security, protecting
users from data loss should the physical media on which the cluster is
stored be stolen, improperly deprovisioned (not wiped or destroyed), or
otherwise ends up in the hands of an attacker.

>   File system write access can allow for unauthorized file system data
>   decryption if the writes can be used to weaken the system's security
>   and this weakened system is later supplied with externally-stored keys.

This isn't very clear as to exactly what the concern is or how an
attacker would be able to thwart the system if they had write access to
it.  An attacker with write access could possibly attempt to replace the
existing keys, but with the key wrapping that we're using, that should
result in just a decryption failure (unless, of course, the attacker has
the actual KEK that was used, but that's not terribly interesting to
worry about since then they could just go access the files directly).

Until and unless we solve the issue around storing the GCM tags for each
page, we will have the risk that an attacker could modify a page in a
manner that we wouldn't detect.  This is the biggest concern that I have
currently with the existing TDE patch sets.

There's two options that I see around how to address that issue- either
we arrange to create space in the page for the tag, such as by making
the 'special' space on a page a bit bigger and making sure that
everything understands that, or we'll need to add another fork in which
we store the tags (and possibly other TDE/encryption related
information).  If we go with a fork then it should be possible to do WAL
streaming from an unencrypted cluster to an encrypted one, which would
be pretty neat, but it means another fork and another page that has to
be read/written every time we modify a page.  Getting some input into
the trade-offs here would be really helpful.  I don't think it's really
reasonable to go out with TDE without having figured out the integrity
side.  Certainly, when I review things like NIST 800-53, it's very clear
that the requirement is for both confidentiality *and* integrity.

>   This also does not protect from users who have read access to system
>   memory.  This also does not detect or protect against users with write
>   access from removing or modifying database files.

The last seems a bit obvious, but the first sentence quoted above is
important to make clear.  I might even say:

All of the pages in memory and all of the keys which are used for the
encryption and decryption are stored in the clear in memory and
therefore an attacker who is able to read the memory allocated by
PostgreSQL would be able to decrypt the enitre cluster.

> Given what I said above, is the value of this feature for compliance, or
> for actual additional security?  If it just compliance, are we willing
> to add all of this code just for that, even if it has limited security
> value?  We should answer this question now, and if we don't want it,
> let's document that so users know and can consider alternatives.

The feature is for both compliance and additional security.  While there
are other ways to achieve data-at-rest encryption, they are not always
available, for a variety of reasons.

> FYI, I don't think we can detect or protect against writers modifying
> the data files --- even if we could do it on a block level, they could
> remove trailing pages (might cause index lookup failures) or copy
> pages from other tables at the same offset.  Therefore, I think we can
> only offer viewing security, not modification detection/prevention.

Protecting against file modification isn't about finding some way to
make it so that an attacker isn't able to modify the files, it's about
detecting the case where an unauthorized modification has happened.
Clearly if an attacker has gained write access to the system then we
can't protect against the attacker using the access they've gained, but
we can in most cases detect it and that's what we should be doing.  It
would be really unfortunate to end up with a solution here that only
provides confidentiality and doesn't address integrity at all, and I
don't really think it's *that* hard to do both.  That said, if we must
work at this in pieces and we can get agreement to handle
confidentiality initially and then add integrity later, that might be

> > I appreciate the recent discussion and reviews of the KMS in particular,
> > and of the patches which have been sent enabling TDE based on the KMS
> > patches.  Having them be relatively independent seems to be an ongoing
> I was thinking some more and I have received productive feedback from at
> least eight people on the key management patch, which is very good.


> > concern and perhaps we should figure out a way to more clearly put them
> > together.  That is- the KMS patches have been posted on one thread, and
> > TDE PoC patches which use the KMS patches have been on another thread,
> > leading some to not realize that there's already been TDE PoC work done
> > based on the KMS patches.  Seems like it might make sense to get one
> > patch set which goes all the way from the KMS and includes the TDE PoC,
> > even if they don't all go in at once.
> Uh, it is worse than that.  Some people saw comments about the TDE PoC
> patch (e.g., buffer pins) and thought they were related to the KMS
> patch, so they thought the KMS patch wasn't ready.  Now, I am not saying
> the KMS patch is ready, but comments on the TDE PoC patch are unrelated
> to the KMS patch being ready.

I do agree with that and that it can lend to some confusion.  I'm not
sure what the right solution there is except to continue to try and work
with those who are interested and to clarify the separation.

> I think the TDE PoC was a big positive because it showed the KMS patch
> being used for the actual use-case we are planning, so it was truly a
> proof-of-concept.


> > I'm happy to go look over the KMS patches again if that'd be helpful and
> > to comment on the TDE PoC.  I can also spend some time trying to improve
> I think we eventually need a full review of the TDE PoC, combined with
> the Cybertec patch, and the wiki, to get them all aligned.  However, as
> I said already, let's get the KMS patch approved, even if we don't apply
> it now, so we know we are on an approved foundation.

While the Cybertec patch is interesting, I'd really like to see
something that's a bit less invasive when it comes to how temporary
files are handled.  In particular, I think it'd be possible to have an
API that's very similar to the existing one for serial reading and
writing of files which wouldn't require nearly as many changes to things
like reorderbuffer.c.  I also believe there's some things we could do to
avoid having to modify quite as many places when it comes to LSN
assignment, so the base patch isn't as big.

> > on each, as I've already done.  A few of the larger concerns that I have
> > revolve around how to store integrity information (I've tried to find a
> > way to make room for such information in our existing page layout and,
> > perhaps unsuprisingly, it's far from trivial to do so in a way that will
> > avoid breaking the existing page layout, or where the same set of
> > binaries could work on both unencrypted pages and encrypted pages with
> > integrity validation information, and that's a problem that we really
> As stated above, I think we only need a byte or two for the hint bit
> counter (used in the IV), as I don't think the GCM verification bytes
> will add any additional security, and I bet we can find a byte or two.
> We do need a separate discussion on this, either here or privately.

I have to disagree here- the GCM tag adds integrity which is really
quite important.  Happy to chat about it independently, of course.

> > should consider trying to solve...), and how to automate key rotation
> > (one of the nice things about Bruce's approach to storing the keys is
> > that we're leveraging the filesystem as an index- it's easy to see how
> > we might extend the key-per-file approach to allow us to, say, have a
> > different key for every 32GB of LSN, but if we tried to put all of the
> > keys into a single file then we'd have to figure out an indexing
> > solution for it which would allow us to find the key we need to decrypt
> > a given page...).  I tend to agree with Bruce that we need to take
> Yeah, yuck on that plan.  I was very happy how the per-version directory
> worked with scripts that needed to store matching state.

I don't know that it's going to ultimately be the best answer, as we're
essentially using the filesystem as an index, as I mentioned above, but,
yeah, trying to do all of that ourselves during WAL replay doesn't seem
like it would be fun to try and figure out.  This is an area that I
would think we'd be able to improve on in the future too- if someone
wants to spend the time coming up with a single-file format that is
indexed in some manner and still provides the guarantees that we need,
we could very likely teach pg_upgrade how to handle that and the data
set we're talking about here is quite small, even if we've got a bunch
of key rotation that's happened.

> > these things in steps, getting each piece implemented as we go.  Maybe
> > we can do that in a separate repo for a time and then bring it all
> > together, as a few on this thread have voiced, but there's no doubt that
> > this is a large project and it's hard to see how we could possibly
> > commit all of it at once.
> I was putting stuff in a git tree/URL;  you can see it here:
> However, people wanted persistent patches attached, so I started doing that.
> Attached is the current patch set.

Doing both seems likely to be the best option and hopefully will help
everyone see the complete picture.




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From: Thomas Munro
Subject: Re: Fix DROP TABLESPACE on Windows with ProcSignalBarrier?
From: Stephen Frost
Subject: Re: Key management with tests