While reviewing what became commit fe4d022, I was surprised at the sequence of
relfilenode values that RelationInitPhysicalAddr() computed for pg_class,
during ParallelWorkerMain(), when running the last command of this recipe:
cluster pg_class using pg_class_oid_index;
set force_parallel_mode = 'regress';
values (1);
There's $OLD_NODE (relfilenode in the committed relation map) and $NEW_NODE
(relfilenode in this transaction's active_local_updates). The worker performs
RelationInitPhysicalAddr(pg_class) four times:
1) $OLD_NODE in BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnectionByOid().
2) $OLD_NODE in RelationCacheInvalidate() directly.
3) $OLD_NODE in RelationReloadNailed(), indirectly via RelationCacheInvalidate().
4) $NEW_NODE indirectly as part of the executor running the query.
I did expect $OLD_NODE in (1), since ParallelWorkerMain() calls
BackgroundWorkerInitializeConnectionByOid() before
StartParallelWorkerTransaction(). I expected $NEW_NODE in (2) and (3); that
didn't happen, because ParallelWorkerMain() calls InvalidateSystemCaches()
before RestoreRelationMap(). Let's move InvalidateSystemCaches() later.
Invalidation should follow any worker initialization step that changes the
results of relcache validation; otherwise, we'd need to ensure the
InvalidateSystemCaches() will not validate any relcache entry. Invalidation
should precede any step that reads from a cache; otherwise, we'd need to redo
that step after inval. (Currently, no step reads from a cache.) Many steps,
e.g. AttachSerializableXact(), have no effect on relcache validation, so it's
arbitrary whether they happen before or after inval. I'm putting inval as
late as possible, because I think it's easier to confirm that a step doesn't
read from a cache than to confirm that a step doesn't affect relcache
validation. An also-reasonable alternative would be to move inval and its
prerequisites as early as possible.
For reasons described in the attached commit message, this doesn't have
user-visible consequences today. Innocent-looking relcache.c changes might
upheave that, so I'm proposing this on robustness grounds. No need to