On 2019-Jul-13, Jose Luis Tallon wrote:
> Considering the later arguments on-list, I plan on submitting a more
> elaborate patchset integrating the feedback received so far, and along the
> following lines:
> - uuid type, v4 generation and uuid_version() in core
> - Provide a means to rename/supercede extensions keeping backwards
> compatibility (i.e. uuid-ossp -> uuid, keep old code working)
It is wholly unclear what this commitfest entry is all about; in the
thread there's a mixture about a new uuid_version(), some new v4 stuff
migrating from pgcrypto (which apparently was done), plus some kind of
mechanism to allow upgrading extension names; all this stemming from
feedback from the patch submitted in April. But there hasn't been a new
patch in a long time, and there won't be a new patch version during the
current commitfest. Therefore, I'm closing this entry as Returned with
Feedback. The author(s) can create a new entry in a future commitfest
once they have a new patch.
I do suggest to keep such a patch restricted in scope.
Álvaro Herrera https://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
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