On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 02:28:07AM +0000, Tsunakawa, Takayuki wrote:
> I find it more user friendly to include a description somewhere that
> the user can tune the timeout per standby, like I added a tip in the
> description of wal_sender_timeout. I'm afraid users won't know
> whether and how to tune the setting per standby, as libpq's options
> parameter doesn't seem well-known in my experience.
But that does not apply to this single parameter, no? I would think
that a section in recovery.conf is more adapted. I can see that the
patch I proposed up-thread could be more precise though, so why not
adding at an extra paragraph? Here is an idea:
"For a cluster distributed across multiple geographic locations, using
a different value per location brings more flexibility in the cluster
management. A smaller value is useful for faster failure detection with
a standby having a low connection latency, and a larger value helps in
judging better the health of a standby if located in a remote location,
with a longer connection latency."